Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Welcome to DATA-PSST! Seminar 6 - Cohering Inter-disciplinary Responses & Rebuilding the Agenda

DATA-PSST! Cohering Inter-disciplinary Responses & Rebuilding the Agenda

20 May 2016, 10am to 4pm
 Bangor University,
Building: John Philips Building
Room JP Studio (ground floor)

Your seminar leaders, Martina Feilzer and Yvonne McDermott Rees welcome you to this last of six seminars in the ESRC-funded seminar series, DATA-PSST! The aim is to collect what we have learned from the many academics, journalists, NGOs, intelligence and security professionals, companies, policy makers and artists who have contributed to these seminars, to identify on ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ to rebuild the public and policy agendas.

We will identify and articulate what we think our most important messages are that we should be communicating to the general public and policy-makers. Then, we will discuss creative ways of communicating this and build a communications plan to make best use of our findings from this seminar series.

The seminar will be organized around a number of key questions and all participants will be able to actively contribute to the debate:
-        What does the general public most need to know about life in the post-Snowden era, if anything? (See our report on Public Feeling on Privacy, Security and Surveillance: A Report by DATA-PSST and DCSS.)
-        What do policy-makers most need to know from our discussions? (See our policy recommendations we have collectively generated from the previous five seminars.)
-        How can abstract and complex data sur/sous/veillance, privacy, security and transparency practices be best explained to a lay audience and to policy-makers?
-        Can these processes be explained in an engaging and creative way?
-        What would an effective communications plan to promote this material look like?
-        What are the constraints and opportunities offered by our proposed format of communicating to the public – namely, a short online documentary and a promotional clip shared via social media (e.g. VINE)?

The event is reliant on all participants engaging so in addition to short keynote talks on modes of communicating on DATA-PSST issues to different audiences, the seminar will function through Position Statements and structured roundtable discussions.

19 May 2016 
7.15 pm - DRINKS AND NO HOST DINNER – Dylans, Menai Bridge.

20 May 2016 
10 - 10.15:       Registration
10.15 - 10.30: Introduction to final seminar (Martina Feilzer/Yvonne McDermott) 
10.30 - 11.00: What has come out of DATA-PSST so far? (Vian Bakir ) 
11.00 - 11.45: What do the public and policy makers most need to know? (Led by Andrew McStay  drawing on participants’ Position Statements) 
11.45 - 12.00: Coffee 
12.00 - 1.15:    Roundtable 1: How can abstract, complex data sur/sous/veillance privacy, security and transparency practices be creatively and engagingly explained to a lay audience and policy-makers? (Key Position Statements from artist Ronan Devlin and legal scholar Lachlan Urquhart
1.15 - 2.00:      Lunch 
2.00 - 3.15:      Roundtable 2: What would an effective communications plan to promote this material look like? (Key Position Statements from national security journalist Paul Lashmar and documentary maker Dyfrig Jones)
3: 15 – 3.30:    Coffee
3.30 - 4.00:     Plenary: Looking Forwards. Vian Bakir to summarise what next with DATA-PSST documentary, Special Issue, Policy Report and list-serv.

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