Thursday, January 8, 2015

Seminar 1: Dr Dave Preskett, BioComposites Centre, Bangor University

I want to discuss the implications of the use of cloud servers for data storage and transfer (e.g. Dropbox), which we use routinely in the BioComposites Centre to distribute files with industrial partners in project management.  Early versions of this concept often held within their terms and conditions that data uploaded to the cloud servers became the property of the host servers themselves.  Apart from the importance of users of such software actually reading the terms and conditions (who ever really does!), in what manner can any assurance of confidentiality of cloud servers be “veillanced”?  Similarly, the University announced it had chosen to use Microsoft Outlook cloud server for all email applications and calendaring – this being prior to the Snowden disclosures but despite those disclosures, the system was duly taken up.  Are there safeguards in place?

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